The importance of massage for pregnant women: Massage can help a woman during her pregnancy get rid of many physical problems associated with pregnancy and mood changes resulting from hormonal changes. Massage has benefits for pregnant women, including: Improving sleep quality: Body massage helps regulate and improve sleep quality for pregnant women, due to the body’s secretion of serotonin and melatonin during the massage, which helps to get a deep sleep and treat the problem of sleep disorders and insomnia. Reduces stress and anxiety: Massage helps reduce the level of cortisol that causes feelings of tension and anxiety and increases the levels of serotonin, endorphins and dopamine, which are hormones that help improve the mood and vitality of the pregnant woman from muscle cramps Massage greatly reduces muscle pain and spasms experienced by pregnant women due to the increased activity of motor neurons and muscle tension. Reduces the risk of premature birth Pregnant women who have had regular antenatal massage therapy are less likely to give birth prematurely compared to women who have not undergone massage. Reduces joint swelling: It is normal for a pregnant woman to develop swelling in the joints of the body due to poor blood circulation and great pressure on the blood vessels. Therefore, many doctors advise pregnant women to resort to massage sessions in order to stimulate the soft tissues and reduce the accumulation of fluid in the swollen joints. Reduces stress hormones in the fetus: Massage helps raise cortisol levels for the fetus inside its mother's womb, which reduces the stress hormone and anxiety it has. For booking : 01555523015